Tortilla Soup - Fast and Fabulous

Fast and Fabulous Tortilla Soup

I invented this recipe one cold Sunday afternoon when I had a craving for tortilla soup and. like a junkie, I needed to fulfill that craving quickly or there would be hell to pay. I ran to the grocery store, grabbed the ingredients and set out chopping and sauteing in a feverish state. I must say, the results were glorious. And quick. That combo makes this recipe a keeper, in my opinion. Tastes like you spent hours in the kitchen. Shhhh....

What you'll need:

  • a rotisserie chicken
  • yellow bell pepper (diced)
  • white onion (diced)
  • 4 cloves of garlic (minced)
  • olive oil
  • 2 cartons (32 oz each) of low sodium chicken broth
  • 14.5 oz can of tomatoes - petite diced
  • 14.5 oz can of tomatoes diced with jalapenos
  • 6 limes
  • 1/2 cup of cilantro (chopped) and a little extra for garnish
  • 4 ripe avocados
  • quesadilla or Monterrey Jack cheese (shredded - and you know it tastes better if you shred it yourself)
  • bag of tortilla chips
  • salt, pepper, cumin, oregano, cloves

What you'll do:

Remove as much chicken as possible from the bones and cut into bite sized pieces. If you want to cook your own chicken for this recipe, I'd suggest poaching about 6 chicken thighs in white wine and broth, but for the purpose of time and ease, using a rotisserie chicken will get you there in a hurry. 

In a Large Le Creuset Dutch oven or other large pot, saute the onion and yellow pepper until the onion starts to turn soft and translucent. Sprinkle a bit of cumin and oregano onto the veggies. Not only does this help to deepen the flavors, but it makes your kitchen smell heavenly. Add the diced garlic and saute for another minute or two, until the garlic starts to brown. 

Add the chicken broth (start with 1 and 1/2 of the cartons, you can add more later if needed), both cans of tomatoes, cilantro, chicken and the juice of 3 limes. Before juicing, roll the limes on your countertop with a bit of pressure and they will give you more juice. Bring to a low simmer and add a pinch of cloves and some more oregano, cumin, salt and pepper. Not too much - you will adjust the spices as it cooks and the flavors develop. 

Simmer for 45 minutes to an hour and taste as you go, adding more spices until you have the right mix. You may also need to add the rest of the chicken broth. And you may need to change your name to Guadalupe and start rolling your Rs. It's your call.


To serve, ladle the soup over chunks of fresh avocado, add an additional squeeze of lime, and top with shredded cheese and crushed tortilla chips and a bit of cilantro for a garnish. Don't forget that last squeeze of lime - it really adds a lot to the taste. 

"Life without Mexican food is like no life at all" - Unknown


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