Cuban Picadillo

Cuban Picadillo 


Picadillo is a favorite of mine because it's easy to make a large batch, relatively inexpensive, versatile and above all, delicious. The dish originated in Spain and every Latin country and Caribbean island has a version, each with a twist on ingredients. Some recipes use raisins, cumin, capers, red wine or vinegar. 

My recipe is a little spicy and a little briny, very satisfying, and (bonus) you only have one pot to clean. Well, two pots if you make the rice to accompany the Picadillo, but you can probably talk someone into doing dishes for you, because you're amazing like that.

Picadillo can be served over rice, as a filling for tacos, burritos or empanadas, or get all fancy schmancy and use it in a casserole as a Cuban Shepherds Pie with mashed yucca topping or with a puff pastry top like a pot pie.

Note: This recipe makes a large-ish amount of food, but both the picadillo and the rice freeze well, so you'll have another meal for later. XO You're welcome.

What You'll Need:

2 lbs of ground beef 
1 Green bell pepper - chopped
1 Red bell pepper - chopped
1 Yellow bell pepper - chopped
2 White onions - chopped
6 cloves Garlic - minced
Green Olives stuffed with pimentos - I used about half of a 21 ounce jar
Liquid from the olives
1 small can Tomato Sauce
Salt and Pepper
2 Bay Leaves
Cayenne pepper

What You'll Do:  

Brown the ground beef in a large pot, such as this beautiful Le Creuset Dutch Oven (I use my 5.5 quart LC Dutch oven for this recipe) and then drain excess fat/liquid.

On medium heat, add 1/2 cup water and the chopped onions, stirring occasionally and adding a little more water if it gets too dry, until the onions start to soften. Add the chopped peppers and continue to cook and add a little more water, if needed. When the peppers start to soften, add the garlic and cook for a few more minutes. 

Add the tomato sauce and about a cup of water. Roughly chop up about half of the olives from the jar (just cut them in half and leave some whole) and add the olives and about half of the olive juice from the jar. Season with pepper, cayenne, cinnamon and 2 bay leaves. 

Don't add a lot of seasoning yet, as you are going to want to adjust later. About 1/2 tsp of cayenne and 1 tsp of cinnamon and black pepper to start. Don't add salt yet, as the briny olive juice is going to take care of a lot of the salt in this dish. 

Simmer on low for about half an hour and then taste for seasonings. Add more seasonings and salt as needed, add more water and simmer for another 15- 20 minutes. You can repeat this process until you achieve the right spice balance that makes you happy. During this time, you can make the rice.

Cilantro Lime Rice

This rice is delicious with any Mexican dish and easy to prepare. 

What You'll Need:

2 cups Long Grain Basmati Rice
4 cups Chicken Stock
4 tsp Olive Oil
2 Tbsp Butter
Juice of 2 limes
Zest of 2 limes
2 cups Cilantro leaves - chopped
Salt to taste

What You'll Do:

Rinse and drain the rice well in a mesh colander.

In a small Le Creuset Dutch Oven or a large saucepan, heat the olive oil to medium/high. (Medium if using cast iron). Add the rice and stir to saute/toast the rice. This not only makes the rice taste better (everything is better toasted!), but it also helps keep the rice from sticking together. This only takes a few minutes - stirring often. 

Next, add the chicken stock and a pinch of salt. Keeping the heat on medium or low medium (cast iron), you will slowly bring this to a low boil. Using a low heat and a slow rise to boil helps the rice absorb the stock and cook properly.  DO NOT STIR. Do not cover the pot.

Simmer until the liquid level drops below the rice level. not stir. 

Turn the burner to the lowest setting, cover the pot and (still....don't stir it!) let it sit for 12 minutes. After 12 minutes, remove from heat (don't open the lid!) and let it sit undisturbed for 5 minutes more. Your rice should be perfect at that point. 

Uncover and STIR (yay!) in the juice from 2 limes, the lime zest, 1 and 1/2 cups of chopped cilantro (use the rest for garnish), butter and salt to taste. 

Serve the Picadillo over the rice and sit back and enjoy the accolades.





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