Chocolate Coconut Pecan Pie

 Chocolate Coconut Pecan Pie

Three words: Best. Pie. Ever. It's kind of like if a pecan pie and a brownie had a baby. This is a family fave at Thanksgiving and Christmas and oh, so easy.

What You'll Need:

*2 unbaked pie crusts (make your own or use store bought, your choice. Not deep dish, just regular size) The second crust is for making lots of pretty designs for the top.

*1/2 cup unsalted Butter

* 1/2 cup Chocolate Chips

* 1 cup of Sugar

* 2 Eggs, beaten 

* 1/2 cup Pecans, coarsely chopped

*1/2 cup Coconut, shredded/sweetened

*Pinch of Salt

*2 Tablespoons of Dark Rum or Bourbon, optional


What You'll Do:

 Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Place your pie crust in a pie plate and put it in the refrigerator to chill while you preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Roll out the second crust and cut out shapes with cookie cutters to decorate the top. I like to use small leaf shapes. Pop those back into the frig to keep chilled. 

How to blind bake your crust so you don't get a dreaded 'soggy bottom':

To keep the crust from shrinking, puffing or becoming misshapen, prick it all over with a fork, place a piece of parchment paper in it and on top of the paper place a layer of pie weights, dried beans or loose change. 

Bake for about 7 - 8 minutes, until it just starts to barely brown, remove and remove the pie weights and paper and return to the oven for another 2 minutes. Remove from oven and reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees. 

In a saucepan over low heat, melt butter with chocolate chips, stirring, until completely smooth and melted. 

Remove from heat and stir in sugar, eggs, pecans, coconut, salt and bourbon or rum, if using. Stir until well combined and pour into pie crust. Place your decorative crust leaves on top. If you're putting the leaf cut outs on the edges of the crust, brush with a little water to get them to stick.

Bake for 30 - 35 minutes. the pie will be set but still good and gooey in the center.

Serve warm (or heat an individual slice for 30 seconds in the microwave) with a generous dollop of fresh whipped cream. 

Enjoy...this is what heaven tastes like.


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